Ulvar Vileblood, Greetings from Texas and filthy goblinoids
Hello everyone. It has been a long two weeks for me. Parents' Evening took its toll on our free time here as did the needs of my children. As I said before, I am now Robert De Niro most weekends, so you'll see me taxi-driving around East Anglia ad nauseum. A week or so ago I was chatting with Stuart about the Warriors of Chaos project and he was arguing a case against just going for the same ...
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The deceased count (part II)
Seven months have passed since the publication of the post presenting . Blame the endless painting of my regiment of mounted knights, as well as the apprehension of painting two new horses. Anyway...The colours are as dull and muted as possible (it's a funerary coach after all). On a black undercoat, the wooden parts are painted with a mix of VGC extra opaque Heavy Charcoal and VMC Chocolate Brown, ...
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Crash test du pimp de mon dashboard Warcrow fan made
Bonjour, Le titre est explicite et donc … j’ai enfin pu jouer mes plateaux faits maison pour Warcrow. C’est des chutes de carton. Quoi, le mec fait une màj juste pour ce truc dont tout le monde se carre !? Non, non, bien sûr que non, je voulais aussi dire que j’avais gagné. Bravo ! …
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