Beja completed!
This week I have finished the Beja contingent for the Mahdists - I've halved the Mahdist lead pile! It's not the end of painting Mahdists for a while longer as I still have 24 Baggara horsemen (technically part of the Kordofani contingent) to do the Second Battle of El Teb. That amount of cavalry seems a little excessive to me but it seems to be the usual amount for others doing that battle (down ...
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The Tomb-bearer
As I said in a previous post, I needed a break after painting 10 knights in full armour. I'm not sure how I'm going to use this miniature, but it was a fun project. Essentially an old Citadel cleric whose shield I filed down, and whose staff I extended... with a tombstone, decorated with chains and candles.And yes, this thumb up is super weird 👍
Lire la suite sur Jaeckel Alone
The Renaissance Troll :
Le blog de Joseph McCullough, auteur de Frostgrave, Ghost Archipelago et Rangers of Shadow Deep.
Walking Through Ithilien
There is a beautiful scene in The Lord of the Rings where Frodo, Sam, and Gollum come across an old statue of a Gondorian king that has been defiled by the orcs. The broken head lies nearby, and Frodo notes that nature has crowned it with a ring of flowers. Obviously the hobbits were walking through a region that had once been strongly held by Gondor... but at some point they must have ...
Lire la suite sur The Renaissance Troll
Blog d'un joueur de la région parisienne. Beaucoup de rapports de bataille, un peu de peinture, de présentation de règles et des conventions.
Devine qui vient dîner ce soir.
Hello,Drôle de temps qu'en ce mois de novembre. Retour de la grisaille, du froid et même la neige cette année. Autant dire que je suis fatigué, plein de TIC et que la luminosité n'étant pas là, l'appel de la couette est fort. Mais j'ai des copains pour me motiver.Le mois dernier, j'ai peints une équipe d'elfes pour bloodbowl et il me reste un bon nombre de figurines de ce KS à peindre ...
Lire la suite sur Les batailles anciennes et fantastiques de JPP