: Le guide de la figurine

Empire : tous les profils pour Dystopian wars


Battle Ready 443817961411
Crippled 43271653145
Akita super battleship : 339 pts
  • Weapons : Alchemical Rockets - A/P/S, Alchemical Rockets - F/P, Alchemical Rockets - F/S, Heavy Broadside - P & S, Heavy Gun Battery - A/P/S, Heavy Gun Battery - F/P/S, Heavy Gun Battery - F/P/S, Heavy Gun Battery - F/P/S, Heavy Torpedo Salvo - F, Alchemical Rockets - A/P/S [+3], Alchemical Rockets - F/P [+3], Alchemical Rockets - F/S [+3], Atomic Generator, Fury Generator, Great Wall Generator, Heavy Huoqiang [+6], Interphase Generator, Magnetic Generator, Repulsion Field Generator
  • Traits : Akita-class, Empire, Flagship, Japanese, Super Battleship, Surface unit
  • Special Rules : Elite crew, Heavy Firepower, Mark of Yama, Priority Signals, Shadow Hunter, Shield Generator
Battle Ready 2005124483
Crippled 2005103383
Barangao Battle Platform : 57 pts
  • Weapons : Heavy Gun Battery - 360, Alchemical Rockets [+13], Chita Escort Token [+10], Gun Battery [+10], Heavy Alchemical Rockets [+3], Heavy Huoqiang [+3]
  • Traits : Barangao-class, Battle Platform, Empire, Madjas, Surface unit
  • Special Rules : Attached Unit, Forward Deployment, Heavy Escort, Immobile, Mark of Yama, Strategic Asset


Special Rules
Elite crew While making or defending from an Assault, Models in this Unit with this rule may re-roll Blank dice results.
Encart colonne top 200 x 200 px max
Encart colonne bottom 200 x 200 px max
Un jeu au hasard