Editeur | Osprey Publishing |
Univers | Historique , Navale , Piraterie |
Systèmes | Campagne , D10 , Escarmouche |
Echelle | 25mm , 28/32mm |
Figurines | Jeu avec gamme de figurines |
Parution | 2014 |
Langues |
osprey site https://ospreypublishing.com/on-the-seven-seas :
"On the Seven Seas is a set of wargames rules covering the high adventure and low morals of the world of the pirate. The rules cover licensed privateers such as da Gama and Drake, ruthless pirates of the Spanish Main, Blackbeard, the Barbary corsairs, the wako of the Far East, not to mention the anti-pirate squadrons, Spanish garrisons and native warriors from around the world that found themselves at odd with generations of sea-borne reavers. The focus of the game is on boarding actions and the exploits of pirate crews on land, and the rules offer a quick-to-learn basic game based around individual characters and small units of rank-and-file."
"On the seven seas" est un jeu qui traite de la piraterie sous toutes ses formes mais d'un point de vue historique. Sont disponibles, les équipages de pirates de tous bords ainsi que les flottes royales et les corsaires.
Les règles couvre les combats sur terres mais aussi les abordages et les combats entre navires.
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