: Le guide de la figurine

Jackals : tous les profils pour Grimdark Future

Version : 3.4.1
Jackals are species of aliens who resemble humanoid canids, and use technology built from salvaged scrap. Without access to advanced weapons or vehicles, they rely on ambush and ferocity in close combat to win. In the beginning, they were a collection of nomadic tribes until they discovered the wreckage of alien ships on their planet. Soon after, they made contact with the other species of Sirius, and were suddenly thrust from tribal hunters into the space age. Now the Jackals’ way of life has been forever changed, as they have begun to migrate to the stars.


Elite Veteran : 50 pts
  • Armes : Goad-Spear (A3, Poison), Elite Energy Rifle (24'', A2, AP (1)) [+5], Elite Shotgun (12'', A3, AP (1)), CCW (A1) [+5], Explosive Spear (A3, AP (2)) [+10], Harpoon (A3, Lance) [+5], Hunting Hook (A3, Rending) [+5]
  • Aptitudes : Carnivore, Hero, Relentless, Strider, Tough (3), Assault Beast (Bounding, Impact (2), Tough (3)) [+55], Combat Warlord (Battle Call) [+15], Gunner Beast (Protected, Tough (3), Bounding) [+55], Hunt Master (Prowl) [+25], Jetpack (Ambush, Flying, Stinger Bombs) [+15], Merchant (Scrap Ammo) [+100], Pathfinder (Hidden Route) [+25], Satellite Backpack (Beacon) [+10], Shaman (Caster (2)) [+35], Siege Warlord (Rallying Call) [+30]
  • Pouvoirs : Feral Strike (1), Lean and Mean (1), Power Maw (3), Psy-Canines (2), Quill Blast (2), Shaper (3)
Veteran : 25 pts
  • Armes : CCW (A1), Elite Scrap Pistol (12'', A2), Claw Gauntlet (A2, AP (4)) [+15], Elite Hunting Rifle (24'', A1, AP (1), Sniper) [+25], Elite Scrap Rifle (24'', A2) [+5], Explosive Spear (A3, AP (2)) [+15], Goad-Spear (A3, Poison) [+10], Harpoon (A3, Lance) [+10], Hunting Hook (A3, Rending) [+10], Jagged Hook (A1, AP (2), Deadly (3)) [+15], Junk Sword (A2, AP (1), Rending) [+10], Scrap Club (A1, Blast (3)) [+10], Scrap Shotgun (6'', A4, AP (1)) [+5]
  • Aptitudes : Carnivore, Hero, Strider, Tough (3), Assault Beast (Bounding, Impact (2), Tough (3)) [+40], Combat Warlord (Battle Call) [+15], Gunner Beast (Protected, Tough (3), Bounding) [+40], Hunt Master (Prowl) [+25], Jetpack (Ambush, Flying, Stinger Bombs) [+10], Merchant (Scrap Ammo) [+100], Pathfinder (Hidden Route) [+25], Satellite Backpack (Beacon) [+10], Shaman (Caster (2)) [+35], Siege Warlord (Rallying Call) [+30]
  • Pouvoirs : Feral Strike (1), Lean and Mean (1), Power Maw (3), Psy-Canines (2), Quill Blast (2), Shaper (3)
Beast Gunners : 190 pts / 3 figs
  • Armes : CCW (A1), Heavy Machinegun (30'', A3, AP (1)), Hunting Rifle (24'', A1, AP (1), Sniper) [+5]
  • Aptitudes : Bounding, Carnivore, Protected, Strider, Tough (3)
Beast Riders : 150 pts / 3 figs
  • Armes : Goad-Spear (A2, Poison), Explosive Spear (A2, AP (2)) [+5], Harpoon (A2, Lance), Hunting Hook (A2, Rending) [+5]
  • Aptitudes : Bounding, Carnivore, Impact (2), Strider, Tough (3)
Elites : 130 pts / 5 figs
  • Armes : CCW (A1), Energy Rifle (24'', A1, AP (1)), Flamer (12'', A1, Blast (3), Reliable) [+10], Missile Launcher (30'', A1, AP (2), Deadly (3), Lock-On) [+50], Plasma Rifle (24'', A1, AP (4)) [+10], Shotgun (12'', A2, AP (1)), Shred Rifle (18'', A2, Rending) [+15]
  • Aptitudes : Carnivore, Relentless, Strider, Satellite Backpack (Beacon) [+10]
Great Beast : 365 pts
  • Armes : Massive Jaws (A6, AP (4)), Stomp (A4, AP (1)), Harpoon Launcher (12'', A1, AP (4), Deadly (6)) [+45], Spear Launcher (12'', A6, AP (2)) [+45]
  • Aptitudes : Bounding, Carnivore, Fear (2), Strider, Tough (12), Brutal Charge (Impact (6)) [+30]
Hounds : 75 pts / 5 figs
  • Armes : Claws (A2)
  • Aptitudes : Carnivore, Fast, Scout, Strider, Hunter Breed (Furious) [+10], Vicious Bite (Poison in Melee) [+15]
Long Neck : 775 pts
  • Armes : Heavy Rail Cannon (30'', A6, AP (2), Deadly (3), Lock-On), Heavy Tusks (A6, Rending), Stomp (A6, AP (2)), Heavy Energy Cannon (36'', A3, AP (4), Deadly (6)) [+40], Heavy Rocket Array (30'', A3, AP (2), Blast (6), Indirect) [+45]
  • Aptitudes : Carnivore, Fear (3), Strider, Tough (18)
Mastodon : 1245 pts
  • Armes : Great Tusks (A8, AP (4)), Piercing Cannon (30'', A6, AP (2), Deadly (3), Indirect), Pipe Rockets (24'', A6, AP (2)), Stomp (A8, AP (2)), Heavy Machinegun (30'', A3, AP (1)) [+40], Scatter Cannon (30'', A6, Blast (3), AP (2), Indirect) [+15]
  • Aptitudes : Carnivore, Fear (4), Strider, Tough (24), Transport (21)
Nomads : 135 pts / 10 figs
  • Armes : CCW (A1), Scrap Rifle (24'', A1), Force Blaster (12'', A1, AP (4)) [+5], Fumigator (12'', A1, Blast (3), Poison, Reliable) [+20], Hunting Rifle (24'', A1, AP (1), Sniper) [+25], Power Spiker (9'', A2, Rending) [+5], Rocket Launcher (18'', A1, AP (2), Deadly (3)) [+15], Scrap Pistol (12'', A1), CCW (A2) [+15], Scrap Shotgun (6'', A4, AP (1)) [+5], Zapper Gun (12'', A2, Taser) [+5]
  • Aptitudes : Carnivore, Strider, Satellite Backpack (Beacon) [+10]
Stalkers : 85 pts / 5 figs
  • Armes : CCW (A1), CCW (A1), Claw Hand (A1, AP (4)) [+10], Jagged Hook (A1, AP (2), Deadly (3)) [+20], Junk Sword (A1, AP (1), Rending) [+5], Scrap Club (A1, Blast (3)) [+10]
  • Aptitudes : Carnivore, Dodge, Furious, Scout, Strider
Trackers : 135 pts / 3 figs
  • Armes : CCW (A1), Hunting Rifle (24'', A1, AP (1), Sniper)
  • Aptitudes : Carnivore, Charged Ammo, Strider, Satellite Backpack (Beacon) [+10]
Vultures : 130 pts / 5 figs
  • Armes : CCW (A2), Scrap Pistol (12'', A1), Claw Gauntlet (A2, AP (4)) [+20], Energy Rifle (24'', A1, AP (1)) [+40], Explosive Spear (A2, AP (2)) [+35], Force Blaster (12'', A1, AP (4)) [+5], Jagged Hook (A1, AP (2), Deadly (3)) [+15], Junk Sword (A2, AP (1), Rending) [+10], Scrap Club (A1, Blast (3)) [+5], Scrap Shotgun (6'', A4, AP (1)) [+10], Zapper Gun (12'', A2, Taser) [+5]
  • Aptitudes : Ambush, Carnivore, Flying, Stinger Bombs


Encart colonne top 200 x 200 px max
Encart colonne bottom 200 x 200 px max