: Le guide de la figurine

Soul-Snatcher Cults : tous les profils pour Grimdark Future

Version : 3.4.1
Soul-Snatcher Cults are bands of humans, aliens, and hybrids enhanced through advanced biotechnology. These Cults rely on their enhanced speed and fanatic loyalty to overwhelm their enemies, combining the alien strength with heavy weapons that provide support from afar. The Cults are usually founded by ambitious Soul-Snatchers who strike bargains with other species, before slowly establishing psychic control over them, amassing cults of adoring followers. Despite their power within the Cults, Soul-Snatchers must still rely on manipulation and act as hidden advisors, to ensure their true nature is not discovered by outsiders or initiates.


Brute Champion : 70 pts
  • Armes : Sledgehammer (A1, AP (2), Blast (3))
  • Aptitudes : Hero, Regeneration, Scout, Tough (3), Pet Familiar (Warning Cry) [+10], Psychic Idol (Resistance) [+10]
Cult Hitman : 50 pts
  • Armes : CCW (A2), Cult Pistol (12'', A2), Cult Burst Pistol (12'', A4) [+10], Dual Swords (A4, AP (1), Rending) [+15], Duelist Pistols (12'', A2, Sniper, AP (1)) [+20], Toxin Blades (A4, AP (1), Poison) [+15]
  • Aptitudes : Hero, Scout, Takedown, Tough (3)
Cult Leader : 40 pts
  • Armes : CCW (A2), Cult Pistol (12'', A2), Array of CCWs (A3, AP (1), Poison) [+5], Cult Burst Pistol (12'', A4) [+10], Cult Sniper Rifle (30'', A2, AP (1), Sniper) [+55], Sabotage Charges (A1, Blast (3), AP (1)), Syringe Goad (A1, AP (2), Deadly (3)) [+5]
  • Aptitudes : Hero, Scout, Tough (3), Combat Bike (Fast) [+5], Commander (Tactical Console) [+45], Mad Scientist (Experiments) [+5], Mage (Caster (2)) [+40], Prime (Agitator) [+15], Propagandist (Megaphone) [+25], Warden (Cult Banner) [+30]
  • Pouvoirs : Brain Burst, Hypnosis, Mind Control, Mind Poison, Psychic Blaze, Stimulant
Soul-Snatcher Matriarch : 165 pts
  • Armes : Heavy Claws (A4, AP (1), Rending)
  • Aptitudes : Caster (3), Fast, Fear (1), Hero, Scout, Strider, Tough (3), Pet Familiar (Warning Cry) [+10], Psychic Idol (Resistance) [+10]
  • Pouvoirs : Brain Burst, Hypnosis, Mind Control, Mind Poison, Psychic Blaze, Stimulant
Acolytes : 115 pts / 5 figs
  • Armes : Mutant Claws (A2, AP (1)), Pistol (12'', A1), Blade Claw (A2, AP (1), Rending) [+10], Demo-Charges (A1, Blast (3)) [+-5], Flamer Pistol (6'', A1, Blast (3), Reliable) [+5], Heavy Buzz Saw (A3, AP (4)) [+15], Heavy Cutter (A1, AP (2), Deadly (3)) [+5], Heavy Drill (A3, AP (1), Rending) [+10], Razor Whip (A2, Poison, Reliable) [+10], Sgt. Pistol (12'', A1), Sgt. Hand Weapon (A2) [+-5], Whip & Blade (A2, Poison, AP (1), Rending, Reliable) [+15]
  • Aptitudes : Scout, Strider, Cult Standard (Fear (2)) [+20]
Attack Vehicle : 205 pts
  • Armes : Heavy Machinegun (30'', A3, AP (1)), Heavy Mining Laser (24'', A1, AP (3), Deadly (3)), Heavy Mortar (36'', A1, Blast (3), AP (1), Indirect) [+15]
  • Aptitudes : Fast, Impact (3), Scout, Tough (6), Flare Gun [+25], Spotter [+20], Survey Vehicle [+45]
Battle Tank : 365 pts
  • Armes : Nova Cannon (36'', A1, AP (1), Blast (6)), Twin Heavy Flamer (12'', A2, AP (1), Blast (3), Reliable), Anti-Tank Cannon (30'', A1, AP (3), Deadly (6)) [+25], Battle Cannon (30'', A2, AP (2), Blast (3)) [+25], Heavy Autocannon (36'', A6, AP (2)) [+50], Heavy Flamer (12'', A1, AP (1), Blast (3), Reliable) [+30], Heavy Machinegun (30'', A3, AP (1)) [+40], Heavy Plasma Cannon (30'', A1, AP (4), Blast (6)) [+40], Hunter Missiles (24'', A1, AP (2), Deadly (3), Lock-On, Limited) [+10], Laser Cannon (36'', A1, AP (3), Deadly (3)) [+60], Punisher Gatling Cannon (24'', A6, Rending) [+10], Siege Cannon (24'', A2, Blast (3), AP (3), Indirect) [+65], Twin Heavy Fusion Rifle (18'', A2, AP (4), Deadly (3)) [+20], Twin Heavy Machinegun (30'', A6, AP (1)) [+20], Twin Plasma Cannon (30'', A2, AP (4), Blast (3)) [+60]
  • Aptitudes : Fast, Impact (6), Tough (12), Camouflage Netting (Stealth) [+60], Dozer Blade (Strider) [+10]
Elite Snatchers : 185 pts / 5 figs
  • Armes : Heavy Claws (A2, AP (1), Rending)
  • Aptitudes : Ambush, Fast, Regeneration, Strider, Mind Snatcher (Caster (1)) [+20]
  • Pouvoirs : Brain Burst, Hypnosis, Mind Control, Mind Poison, Psychic Blaze, Stimulant
Grinder Truck : 285 pts
  • Armes : Heavy Machinegun (30'', A3, AP (1)), Heavy Quake Cannon (24'', A2, Blast (3), Rending), Heavy Incinerator (18'', A2, AP (1), Blast (3), Reliable) [+35], Rapid Heavy Mining Laser (24'', A2, AP (3), Deadly (3)) [+35]
  • Aptitudes : Fast, Impact (3), Strider, Tough (9), Transport (6), Great Grinder (Impact (5)) [+25]
Light APC : 200 pts
  • Armes : Heavy Flamer (12'', A1, AP (1), Blast (3), Reliable), Heavy Flamer (12'', A1, AP (1), Blast (3), Reliable), Heavy Machinegun (30'', A3, AP (1)) [+10], Hunter Missiles (24'', A1, AP (2), Deadly (3), Lock-On, Limited) [+10], Laser Machinegun (30'', A3, AP (3)) [+35], Pintle-Machinegun (30'', A2, AP (1)) [+25]
  • Aptitudes : Fast, Impact (3), Tough (6), Transport (11), Camouflage Netting (Stealth) [+25], Dozer Blade (Strider) [+5]
Light Walker : 165 pts
  • Armes : Stomp (A2, AP (1)), Twin Heavy Flamer (12'', A2, AP (1), Blast (3), Reliable), Twin Autocannon (36'', A6, AP (2)) [+55], Twin Heavy Machinegun (30'', A6, AP (1)) [+20], Twin Laser Cannon (36'', A2, AP (3), Deadly (3)) [+55], Twin Laser Machinegun (30'', A6, AP (3)) [+65], Twin Missile Launcher (30'', A2, AP (2), Deadly (3), Lock-On) [+45], Twin Plasma Cannon (30'', A2, AP (4), Blast (3)) [+60]
  • Aptitudes : Fear (1), Tough (6)
Mining Truck : 350 pts
  • Armes : Heavy Machinegun (30'', A3, AP (1)), Twin Autocannon (36'', A6, AP (2))
  • Aptitudes : Fast, Impact (3), Tough (9), Transport (11)
Minion Bikers : 100 pts / 3 figs
  • Armes : CCW (A2), Rifle (24'', A1), Burst Pistol (12'', A3) [+5], Grenade Launcher (24'', A1, Blast (3)) [+10], Heavy Axe (A1, AP (2), Deadly (3)) [+10], Heavy Hammer (A1, Blast (3)) [+5], Heavy Mace (A2, AP (4)) [+10], Heavy Pick (A2, AP (1), Rending) [+5], Shotgun (12'', A2, AP (1)) [+5]
  • Aptitudes : Fast, Scout, Tough (3)
Minion Quadbike : 85 pts
  • Armes : Burst Pistol (12'', A3), CCW (A2), Mining Laser (18'', A1, AP (3), Deadly (3)), Heavy Flamer (12'', A1, AP (1), Blast (3), Reliable) [+5], Heavy Machinegun (30'', A3, AP (1)) [+5]
  • Aptitudes : Fast, Scout, Tough (6)
Minions : 115 pts / 10 figs
  • Armes : CCW (A1), Rifle (24'', A1), Drum Rifle (18'', A2, Rending) [+10], Flamer (12'', A1, Blast (3), Reliable) [+15], Fusion Rifle (12'', A1, AP (4), Deadly (3)) [+10], Grenade Launcher (24'', A1, Blast (3)) [+10], Plasma Rifle (24'', A1, AP (4)) [+10]
Mutant Brutes : 160 pts / 5 figs
  • Armes : Heavy Pick (A2, AP (1), Rending), Great Weapon (A3, AP (4)) [+20], Heavy Hammer (A1, Blast (3)) [+-5], Pick Hammer (A1, AP (2), Deadly (3)) [+5]
  • Aptitudes : Regeneration, Scout
Neophytes : 90 pts / 5 figs
  • Armes : CCW (A1), Rifle (24'', A1), Flamer (12'', A1, Blast (3), Reliable) [+15], Grenade Launcher (24'', A1, Blast (3)) [+15], Heavy Mace (A2, AP (4)) [+15], Heavy Machinegun (30'', A3, AP (1)) [+30], Heavy Pick (A2, AP (1), Rending) [+10], Mining Laser (18'', A1, AP (3), Deadly (3)) [+25], Pistol (12'', A1), CCW (A2), Quake Cannon (24'', A1, Blast (3), Rending) [+20], Shotgun (12'', A2, AP (1)) [+5], Sniper Rifle (30'', A1, AP (1), Sniper) [+25], Web Carbine (18'', A2, Rending) [+10], Web Pistol (12'', A2, Rending), CCW (A2) [+10]
  • Aptitudes : Scout, Cult Standard (Fear (2)) [+20]
Soul-Snatchers : 170 pts / 5 figs
  • Armes : Heavy Claws (A2, AP (1), Rending)
  • Aptitudes : Fast, Scout, Strider, Mind Snatcher (Caster (1)) [+20]
  • Pouvoirs : Brain Burst, Hypnosis, Mind Control, Mind Poison, Psychic Blaze, Stimulant
Support Minions : 135 pts / 3 figs
  • Armes : Crew (A2), Mortar (30'', A1, Blast (3), Indirect), Autocannon (36'', A3, AP (2)) [+15], Heavy Machinegun (30'', A3, AP (1)) [+5], Laser Cannon (36'', A1, AP (3), Deadly (3)) [+15], Missile Launcher (30'', A1, AP (2), Deadly (3), Lock-On) [+10]
  • Aptitudes : Tough (3)


Encart colonne top 200 x 200 px max
Encart colonne bottom 200 x 200 px max
Un jeu au hasard